Governance —
The President
The president wears two hats simultaneously, namely he acts as the president of the administrative board and as the legal representative of the association, being responsible towards third parties. He reports to the administrative board and to the members of the association, taking care that there is a free flow of information between stakeholders. Another important aspect of the president’s responsibilities is the disbursement of funds.
Administrative Board
The administrative board acts as the management body of the association and takes care of the implementation of the associations goals as defined in the statute. The administrative board steers the developmental direction of the association and is responsible for creating general resolutions and organisation of day to day activities. The administrative board also decides on membership related issues.
Milos Tanjevic
Milan Vucetic
Marko Petrovic
Ana Bajovic
Milos Lakovic
Milos Bogdanovic
General Assembly
The general assembly is the highest governing body of the organisation. It is made up from all the members of the association and during its annual session resolutions are adopted, financial reports are discussed and appointment and dismissal of administrative board members are carried out. The general assembly has the deciding vote on joining other local and international associations.